First surgery June 2015
Second Surgery August 2015
Months of Rehab
CGCC - I took 3 classes there and an online BYU class
December 2017 - I WILL return to POLAND!
Looking back....Here is Justin's own words recounting his pain and experience (written after he came home for double hip surgeries)
Back Feb. 2nd PDay we were running to Biedronka in the morning to get some shopping done during our workout schedule. We ran through the bigger bazaar and we were making it through to the other side when we saw the metal trash cans that were mounted to the ground out in the middle of the walkway in the bazaar. I wasn’t wearing my contacts that morning since we had gotten up and raced out the door so that we could be on time to studies. I saw how high the trash can was, and decided I could jump over it. I ran at the second to last trash can and jumped. What I hadn’t seen was the 2 inches of extra metal that was sticking up at the other end of the trash can mounted to the lip. That metal tooth caught just the back of the my tennis shoes as I was mid-air. Well my feet stuck and my head stayed right above my feet, but my torso and back were thrown forward as I half-mooned. I heard this terrible crack in the lower end of my spine that scared me to death. I stuck the landing(barely) and slowly ended my jog in a crouch, and my back was just absolutely killing me. My back problems had come back!
So this one day it started becoming really uncomfortable to walk. My pelvis was hurting, my back was so bad, and it felt like I had a hernia. Well I thought that I could just walk through it-after all it was only uncomfortable… it wasn’t exactly painful. However, about a week later we were street teaching home after a Sunday family dinner at the other elders’ apartment, and all of the sudden the uncomfortableness turned into hot pain. I couldn’t take another step. I found a place nearby to sit down and rest, and we called the senior couple. The Gays picked us up not too far from where we were, and we went home. We talked to Sister Edgren and President, as well as Dr. Rajser. I stayed in bed for a few days hoping that it would just go away. Then it all began.
I spent the next few days cooped up in the apartment, trying to remain a productive, yet immobile missionary. I studied my scriptures and my polish, and I worked through the area book, calling people and asking them to meet with the missionaries again. A few individuals actually set up-two of which had baptismal dates in that first scheduled meeting. After a few days the pain didn’t subside-and I was taken to a hospital up North-West near the River. They were speaking Polish to me, and prying, and they even had to take my blood. I react terribly when people try to take my blood. My body refuses to give it up willingly/easily, and I usually get pretty close to passing out. The Gays and Elder Berlin, who were there at the hospital with me, told me I looked like a ghost as they wheelchaired me upstairs to get an ultrasound on my stomach and testicles. After a very long day and long waits in the hospital-which resembled the hospital in the first episode of the Walking Dead- we finally received some information from the urologist at the hospital. In very broken English he told me of my large kidney stones, and blamed my problems on that. (this part is a little murkey) President Edgren, whose brother in law was visiting the mission and was going to be the next head-doctor over all of the European missionaries, told me that the symptoms didn’t match the problem. He asked me to pack a small bag and take a train down to Warsaw so that we could better diagnose the problem with a good hospital and trusted doctors. I rode the train into Warsaw the next day, getting in at night, and the next morning we went to the hospital, which was close-by the Edgrens home as well as the office senior couple’s apartment that Elder Swicegood and Guthrie were staying in. Again doctors were prying at me and prodding me. They tried to take my blood again, and it seemed like I was getting better at people taking my blood. They scheduled a contrast IV catscan so that they could try to see the problems inside of me. They referred me to a Urologist.
We went to Szpital Mazowiec, arriving very late because we were told that the hospital was located on the street KEN-which we were not told was an acronym for ulica Komisji Edukacji Narodowej. We met with the Urologist, he gave me a rectal exam, and it was determined that I had prostytitus. Now we were getting somewhere. I was given a myriad of antibiotics and medicines to take while being told to rest at the Edgren’s home and at the mission office. Through many prayers and lots of miracles, many of my symptoms started going away. It was now possible to climb stairs. I didn’t have as much or as often shooting pain that started in my pelvis and worked down my legs, as well as up my back and chest. But, I still had a huge amount of pelvis pain and lower back pain. I continued to try to stay productive during the time, until I was sent back up to Szczecin with an order to take it easy and don’t dive in too fast. I hit it pretty hard, eager to work again, and the symptoms did not go away. I refused to call the Edgrens, knowing full well that doing so would earn me a one-way ticket to Warsaw and the possibility of being sent home. I tried just walking through it and working it off, but it was not getting better, just getting worse. It got to the point where I needed to take myself to the hospital. I refused to call Sister or President Edgren, but Elder Jourdan, my district leader knew I wouldn’t. He called Sister Edgren and explained the situation without me knowing. He did what was right, and I tried not to be angry that he cared enough about me to turn me in. I got a call a few minutes later from Sister Edgren and was told to rush to the hospital that minute, even though Elder Berlin and I were just about to hit the standard of excellence-we just needed to be present at our scheduled meetings that day and we would have it. I asked Sergiusz and Elder Berlin to go with me. Sergiusz knew the city and also would know how to explain to the doctors in an efficient way what my problems were. Elders Jourdan and Blunt came with me also to help support and encourage me. I was in so much pain. I was doing my best to get to the hospital, and sat down as much as possible, but things were not looking up. We ended up having to walk about ¾ of a mile to the hospital from the tramwaj stop. I made it 100 meters and couldn’t take another step. My boys literally picked me up and fireman carried me into the hospital. We tried talking to as many doctors as we could, but we weren’t getting anywhere. All of the sudden I received a call from President Edgren. He wanted me on the next train to Warsaw, which left in 40 minutes from the train station. I didn’t have time to run home and get anything, so we took a taxi to the dworzec and I barely made my train. Elder Berlin was told to come with me, so I had some nice company. I entered Warsaw with just the clothes on my back, and a blue plastic garbage sack filled with all of my medicines and antibiotics and results from the hospital. We arrived at around 8 or 9 at night, and we went straight to the hospital and started all over again. They sent us to another hospital that they thought could help-and this hospital was even sketchier than any other Polish hospital I had been in. We showed up at like 11 or 12 at night and it was a little bit scary. The hospital was dimly lit, it was dirty, and there was almost nobody inside. We had to find our way through the dark to the urological section of the hospital, and we didn’t see a single soul on the way there. President Edgren and I had a lot of time to talk-about the mission, about life, to joke around-it was a really good time. Eventually a doctor finally came to treat me, and of course did the rectal exam and discovered that I had prostytitus. He referred us to a urologist again. Well we saw the urologist again and he just prescribed us some more pills to take, and sent us on our way. Well those pills weren’t solving the problem. I continued to stay in Warsaw for the next 2-3 weeks. I worked where I could, and even made it out onto the streets with Elder Campora for a day or two. I spent most of my time in the office where I could work and organize things and try to be productive with minimal movement. Eventually it came to the point where we didn’t have any answers, it wasn’t getting better, and I was wasting time as a missionary by just sitting in the office. President Edgren told me the time was coming unless I thought I could suffer through it for the next year. I went out on the streets hard to see if I could even possibly do it. The pain was still there, and I did a lot of praying and soul-searching. I received the spiritual confirmation that I couldn’t continue on, and I felt confident in my decision. I met with a church counselor as protocol to make sure I wasn’t crazy or anything. I passed with flying colors, and she told me it looked like I was going home. Within the next week I was packing my bags and heading out on a plane to Arizona.
I talked to lots of people on the planes-all the wonderful people sitting around me. I met some really cool people! When I landed in New York, I had little time, and I needed to get off the plane, get through customs, get my luggage again, and get it onto my next plane, and then get onto my plane- and I was in this huge airport. I was praying as we flew into America that God would send me someone to help. While I was standing in the first line waiting to go through customs, I talked with this nice couple behind me. They were probably 60 and they were so sweet. They told me that someone had randomely come up to them on their last flight and told them exactly how to get through customs and do all the things that I needed to do, and they said they would take me with them! We made it in record time through all of the hurdles and hoops, and I made my plane. The Lord really answered my prayers that day.
Once in Arizona I was able to reconnect with my family. It was an amazing day. I asked some of the most influential people in my life to come over and help give me a priesthood blessing. Dad Wardrop, Brother T, Bishop Barney, Pampa, and my Dad all laid their hands on my head and my Dad gave me a blessing. He struggled to say it because it seemed so out of the question, but with the Spirit’s enticings, I was blessed that “all would heal’ and that I “would be returned to full health”. Then began the long journey of visiting every specialist in Arizona to try and diagnose my problem. We spoke with literally everyone, until we had a meeting with a sports doctor-the same doctor who helped me when I fractured my arm. He finally gave us some answers. He talked about my back and pelvis and my hips. He recommended we see an orthopedic surgeon. He recommended his partner, Dr. Waslewski, who we set up a meeting with. However, one of Uncle Tyson’s good friends, and ward member, is Dr. Udall. He’s one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Arizona. It was a miracle that we were able to get in so quickly and he was able to help diagnose our problems. We were told that I have Femoro Acetabular Impingement, both CAM and Pincer inpingements. My hip ball was misshaped, and the top half looked like a rugby ball instead of being circular. Also, my socket was too large and overgrown, causing rubbing to occur in my hip. The Dr. told me that I’ve already lost 30-40% of the cartilage in my hip and I’m only 19. He also told me that I have ossicles and weird bone growths on my hips. On top of that, the very top of my femur which concaves into the hip ball is grossly misformed, and looks like a mountain instead of a shallow hill. I will need double hip surgery to fix both of my hips. He also told me that I have a hemi-vertibret in my lower back that will have to be fixed through physical therapy. Dr. Udall was an answer to prayers. Dad and I walked out of his office and both received a spiritual prompting that that was the place for us to be. We stepped out of the office, looked at eachother, and both said it. We were in the right place. We met again with Dr. Udall and discussed the surgery. Mom had been praying for a long time that if he was unable to do the surgery, that he would have the humility to tell us so that we could go to wherever we could get the best care. That plea was exacerbated by the fact that orthopedic surgeons are considered the “alpha-males” of doctors. They are the best of the best and they are usually very prideful. When we met with Dr. Udall, he was an answer to prayers. He told us that he is a very good surgeon and could do the surgery with very good results, but that there is somebody who is even better than he is. He had done a residency/gone to school with a Dr. Christopher Larson in Minnesota, who was considered one of the best hip doctors in America. Because of Dr. Udall’s connection with him, Dr. Larson was able to see my xrays, respond that he would do the surgery, and much much more very quickly. We would have never gotten to Dr. Larson if we hadn’t gone through Dr. Udall. Within 36 hours, we were able to get in touch with Dr. Larson’s office, schedule an appointment for the next week, get insurance pre-authorization(UNHEARD OF), get plane tickets, and also found out that because of the insurance we have, SOMEHOW we were considered in-network with Dr. Larson, meaning that instead of paying $60,000, we would pay only $2500 worst-case scenario. It was a miracle. We flew out to Minneapolis, Minnesota, then drove to Edina only a few miles away. Grammy and Mom came with me to help. The next day we had a pre-op meeting which went smoothly, then we had surgery the next day. Surgery went better than expected. Dr. Larsons hands were truly guided. My right hip looks better than anyone could have imagined. It is such a miracle. After surgery, I woke up in so much pain. They hadn’t given me the full pain medication because it looked like I was allergic to the small amount that they had given me early. So, when I woke up, I was a disaster. I don’t think I’ve ever been in more pain in my entire life. I was miserable. I woke up just ready to punch walls and scream. On top of that, my bladder was so full from being on the IV that it was ready to explode. But, due to the numbing effects of the shots in my hips, I couldn’t control my bladder to release the pressure. I sat in the bathroom in tears, and pleaded with Heavenly Father to help me through my pain and through this surgery. I begged like a baby for the pain to be bearable. Within a short time of my pleadings, the pain subsided and I was able to relieve myself. It was such a blessing. After that, I began healing at a miraculous rate. Within a week and a half, I was already able to walk with just one crutch, and sometimes without any crutches. My pain has more or less subsided, and everything was going well. I was able to drive and walk and ride my stationary bike and do all the things I needed to.
While doing this, I received many revelations on how to proceed with my life. I received that “lightening-bolt answer” that my Dad had talked about. God has a work for me to do in Poland-a work that only I can do. The reason I am healing so fast is so that I can see the hand of the Lord in my life, and so that I can return to Poland to do God’s work. I now have a purpose and a vision. I thank God for that.
I continued healing in a miraculous way. Within 3 weeks I was fully off crutches and able to function on my own. Physical therapy kept me busy with hours of workouts every day, but I was diligent and became stronger and stronger. It started becoming easier to walk until I walked without a limp. With the time of surgery approaching, I continued to work hard and prepare. I was ready for the second surgery at only two months after my initial surgery. Time had flown, and I was ready for the next step. Again we flew out to Minnesota. This time, my Mom and my Dad came with me. This surgery again was a miracle. I had the whole routine down-got to the surgery center early, got all dressed in hospital gown and socks, got the IV situated, and used the restroom to prepare myself for the worst. I really enjoyed having both of my parents in the waiting room with me to comfort me and get me ready for the pain to follow. This surgery was another miracle. It couldn’t have gone better. No screws or plates were needed, the hip ball and socket are now correctly shaped, and I’m on the downhill now. Dr. Larson even told us that there was a good chance of me not even needing hip replacements ever after this surgery, since the operation went so well. That was so good to hear! I continued doing my physical therapy, always becoming stronger. It took me a little longer the second time around to heal because I didn’t have as much time to stay down and heal as I had on the first surgery. I had been tutoring with Brandon Lee for ’36 by Design’ as an English and Reading tutor. I was also taking my courses at CGCC that will transfer to BYU when the time is right. However, with time everything was able to heal, I was able to lose the crutches, and I was able to live my life again. The Lord has been so good to me every step of the way. I was able to compare my situation to Kylee Simkin’s situation. She came home exactly 2 months after me from Poland with a fractured femur and some Fai problems, as well. I realized just how quickly and efficiently the Lord helped everything work out! I was able to get in and get surgery in record time, I healed perfectly and quickly, and I was able to keep my head and my good attitude throughout it all.
On top of that, the Lord was able to help me in all aspects of my life. I had become lazy and lethargic. The thing was, I was dating Staci Allen and was really enjoying it. We did everything together. She is a really great girl and we had lots of fun together. From the start, the Lord had blessed me with a spiritual experience to know what to do about that situation. I was praying about what to do soon before she came home from France, and it was almost an audible thought that entered my mind, which was not my own. It told me “do not kiss her”. I was super confused, but I obeyed, and I never kissed her. As time went on, that got harder and harder. I started spending more and more time with her, and less and less time doing the important things. I didn’t ever want to do anything but hang out with her. I learned real quick that in a future companion I need to find someone who motivates me to work harder and do better. I didn’t feel that with Staci-but I felt the opposite. It became hard for me to work, honestly, because there was no incentive. I had realized, deep, deep down, that I was living below my potention. The thought became ‘go on and break up with me when I’m doing nothing. I can do better.’ So it was really hard to be productive. My parents didn’t like the situation, either. They were trying their best to let me make my own decisions, but they also had their opinions on the subject, and they also saw that Staci wasn’t the right girl for me. That caused some contentions between my family and I that I didn’t like. As I spoke with my parents and prayed about what to do, I received the answer to break things off with Staci. That night, within a few hours of my realization, I called Staci up, went to her house, and broke things off. She took it like a champ and has been wonderful about it ever since. It has been the biggest blessing in my life. After, I got my ‘mojo’ back. I felt like myself again. I was willing and ready to go out and be productive, and do things, and date people, and work hard. It was a night and day difference. I feel on top of the world.
1st hip surgery, June 2015 Minneapolis, MN |
2nd hip Surgery August 2015, Minneapolis, MN |
Justin and Kylie Simpkins from his mission in Poland. |
Rehabing and attending GCGG until he can go back on his mission to POLAND |