Monday, February 2, 2015

Elder Q's 19th Birthday

Hey Fam and Friends!!
It's so great to hear from so many of you this week for mybirthday! Thank you so much! The love and the support made my day!!Y'all are the best!!
So this week I started off an exchange with Elder Weiler. I prayedabout it, and decided to go out into his area instead of bringing himinto mine. We had a really good time. It was like we had never stoppedbeing companions! I honestly love that guy so much, and was sograteful for the opportunity to serve with him for a few more days! Wemet some really cool people, and taught some solid lessons on thestreet! I am really grateful for all the awesome experiences we hadtogether!
Miracles were happening this week! We met with Romald and Irena intheir home, again. It was a pretty good lesson. Romald has beenreading and praying, and wants to receive an answer, so that was soooamazing to hear! I know he'll receive his answer if he continues tosearch for it! Unfortunately, Irena was sick, so she didn't come outto meet with us.
The Woman with her atheist son is still sooo excited to meet. We callher tonight to set up a meeting for this week, and she really wants tobring her son, too. She really thinks our message can help him, aswell!
So this week I had a spiritual prompting to go through our phone, andcall all the people I don't know. We sat down and made a billioncalls, and SO many people wanted to meet with us/come to church. Wefound a guy named Jarek. We called him at like 7 at night, and he toldus he had wanted to meet that very night. He told us he would be tothe chapel in an hour. We met with him, and he was SO prepared! Wetalked about the Book of Mormon, and the part about preparing for the2nd coming of Christ hit him soo hard. He asked us: How can I be readyfor that?" We told him that if he followed the things we would tellhim, that we promised that he would be prepared. We committed him toread, pray, come to church, and be baptized when he knows it's true.It was awesome.
We were a little disappointed this week (but not discouraged) whennone of the people we were working with came to church. It's almostheartbreaking when you have these people who say they will be inchurch, but don't end up making it.... but we'll just keep working withthem, and teaching with the Spirit until they decide that it'ssomething they need in their life!
So the coolest thing happened. Last night after nobody came to church,and we went tracting and got shut down and denied by like everyone, wewere walking home at like 6:30 so we could finish our fast. It was areally tough time, I'll be honest. We were praying for help andsupport. We decided to English ulotki home to try to get people out to ourfree English class, and as we were talking to a couple, we said wewere from the states, and they said " let's go take a tea break. Let'sall go right now to our house." so we followed them, and spent somewonderful time in Tateusz and Ula's home out in Warszewo(the place weare tracting). They fed us fruit, (offered us homemade wine), showedus their entire coin and stamp collection (this guy is a coin andstamp-aholic... it's super sweet), and told us we can come backanytime! He said "Unfortunately we can't change religions... we'vebeen a part of this religion for generations." and his wife said:"well why not? anything is possible"... so that was really cool! Wethink we will go spend part of a Preparation Day down with them one ofthese weeks!
This week was an awesome week, and I'm so excited for the week tocome! It's going to be a great one!
Love y'all! make it the best week ever!Love,Elder Q

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