Monday, June 13, 2016

Week of June 13th...

Well there went another week! So a few cool things happened this week:
There was a baptism for an american 8-year old from Washington. His mom is fully polish, and his dad served a mission here, and then after married the mother. They wanted to come back to the 'mother land' to baptize their son. Turns out they're related to EVERYONE in poland. So they invited all their non-momber friends and family. It was awesome. They asked me to play prelude and play essentially all the music for the baptism, which was pretty cool. Then, he was confirmed in front of everyone, and they asked who he wanted to help confirm him, and he pointed straight at me hahah. it was pretty awesome. After the confirmation when he was shaking hands, he stopped at me and we had a 15 second custom-made handshake with something about spiderman and batman, and crossing fingers and such. haha it was pretty cute. They also had a special musical fireside that night that everyone came to, and it was amazing to hear someone sing so beautifully in polish. I needed that!
We went over to Kaja's house last night to celebrate a Jewish holiday(she's a converted jew to mormonism and she's one of the most amazing members we have in poland). We learned a ton about the jewish holiday, and about the bible, and ate jewish food. Then we left and stayed the night at president's house. It was great. This morning we were up planning transfers with president by 7:00. It was awesome, and we spent a solid 3 hours, and got mostly there. There will just be minor changes after this. Everything is coming down to it. My group with all my boys leaves here next tuesday morning early. This would have been my last week emailing in an alternate universe... it's tough, but I'm so glad that God has an individual plan for me, and I am so grateful for everything He's been blessing me with on his alternative plan!
That's about it this week.. things are going to get crazy. I'll fill you in when I can. I don't know if I'm going to be getting much of a pday next monday... my group is leavfing, and we'll be helping them, and then the new group comes in... so we'll see!  I lov eyou guys!

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