Tuesday, September 20, 2016

One reason I came back to Poland.....the boys!

This week was a good one. It was one of those "trying weeks" where everything hit me like a sack of bricks, and I got to pick myself up off the ground a few times. I'm grateful for the experiences I'm having that are allowing me to learn patience and strength, and learning how to rely on the Lord. 

There's this guy in Warsaw... he's famous with the missionaries-we call him the anti-christ. He's essentially really good at(whenever he sees us), walking up and yelling a whole bunch of terrible things at us and those we're talking to. He ruins any street contacts that we have going on, and uses his three favorite(and only) english words he knows... which all happen to be swear-words. Usually we just switch really fast into English and ignore him until he goes away, because we've tried reasoning with him, and his heart is too hard at this point to listen to a single word we say. So this time, he was messing with our boy Bre... He actually has a baptismal date(more info to come), and was out in centrum with us while we were finding more people to teach. Well Bre... took him aside and was talking with him, and our anti-christ got in his head. So that got me going. I didn't see him that night, which is probably a good thing because I was going to let this guy have it. I hate when people mess with other peoples' salvation. Well the next day in centrum, of course this guy finds us there on the patelnia. He starts messing with the sisters, and I wasn't having that.... so I went over and started talking to them really fast in english, putting him right there next to me, closest to me. This guy gets mad and starts trying to physically get at me and stop me from talking. so first, all of the PTSD from my sketchy first-mission experiences kicked in, and then my adrenaline and self-defense tried to start kicking in. The only thing I could do to stop myself from going at this guy was I quickly switched into Polish and rattled off something like "don't you touch me-the police is right there." He was like "whoah, you speak polish??" and I answered him back a little bit, and then switched right back into english. He stopped trying to mess with me and the sisters, and went away, but I was still shaking from the stress and memories of last time. we finished out the finding activity, and I made it home and had some time to pray and work through some things mentally. We made it through that day, and have been working up from there. I'm grateful that the Lord is giving me opportunities to 'fight with my demons'. haha.

So Bre.... is on date! He's 22, and a stud. He like to talk a ton, which means that it's a bit tough to keep our lessons on topic, but he's excited and willing to do what he needs to in order to come closer to Christ. We're excited. He hasn't answered his phone today, so be praying for us!

Also Ren... is on date! It was a miracle. She has known and been meeting with missionaries for ages. She knows the church is true, and just needs the courage to be baptised, and give up some of the traditions of the catholic church. She can get there. Be praying for her as well. 

So we got to do some service yesterday. Ula(that member from Warsaw that I met on the train during my first mission as I was getting close to coming home-the one that gave me the Poland Warsaw tie...), has been telling me for a year and a half about her boys. They aren't members. Her husband is super less-active, although he used to be super super active.  I've been wanting for like a year and a half to get to meet them. At the beginning of this second mission, I felt strongly(as well as she did) that a large reason I needed to come back was for her boys. Well they needed some service to get done yesterday, and I told her that whatever she needed, we would do. They picked us up, and it was her and her husband and her oldest son, K.... He's a bro. We worked alongside them, cleaning out a storage unit that they bought from the city after someone stopped paying rent. We spent the entire morning with them, and a large part of the afternoon. It was awesome, and I think we did what we needed to do. So that was awesome. She was super grateful, and I'm excited to see if anything comes of it. I think her husband really liked us. Prayers please!  That's about it. I sure love you guys. Have a great week. 

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