Monday, February 8, 2016

Week of February 8th, 2016...

Well this week was interesting! I've been working on doing everything I can to open my heart and learn to love Poland again. It's been really hard because of everything that happened last time I was here.  BUT, I've been making some progress. Last Pday we went around Warsaw with Elders Coutu and Wynn, and saw a bunch of really cool things. We ended up going to the top of Stalin's Tower that was built in the very center of Warsaw, where you can look out over the whole city. It was pretty cool! My birthday was Tuesday, and it felt great to receive all of the emails/letters/love from everybody back home. I had a really good birthday. We made pancakes in the morning and had to improvise on the syrup, so that was a little interesting! We've been trying to go out more and more and push through the pain bit by bit. It's been pretty gnarly to say the least. I've learned a lot about controlling pain and it feels like my pain tolerance is 100X better than it was a few months ago, so that's pretty cool! We went street-teaching a few times for an hour or so and it was fine. I have to take breaks and sit down for a little while, but at least we were inviting people! We even went tracting out in Piaseczno(30 minutes south of warsaw), and did some of that, so that was enjoyable!

I really learned this week how much we can actually gain from fasting.  As missionaries, there's actually a rule not to fast more than one time/month... I guess they don't want us passing out all over the place with all our fasting or something lol. So I've been saving that fast, and was able to use it yesterday on fast sunday with the ward.  It was amazing. I've been feeling like I've been drowning all week, and just couldn't get my head above water. Ever time I started getting things under control, something new would happen and I'd be right back down where I was. During and after my fast, I have felt SO good. I have all of this added strength and capacity to exercise faith that has been sooo needed in my life through these trials. I haven't felt this good spiritually in a long time. The Lord even humbled me even more on Sunday when they asked me to translate sentence for sentence during testimony meeting. Translating is hard enough, but translating up in front of every body word for word members' stories and feelings and experiences is SUPER hard. I've gained a lot of humility over the past few months, and that experience helped me even more. It was cool to see the difference between the way I reacted, and the way I know I would have reacted a few months ago. I needed that. Sunday night, we got invited over to the Carter's house(an American family working for the embassy in our ward) and they fed us hamburgers and grilled chicken. I legit almost cried it was the most beautiful thing I think I've ever seen. They actually asked me to give some service tonight that I might actually be pretty decent at lol... they're having me come over and help their daughter out with the ACT for an hour tonight. I'm really excited to actually be able to help someone out here. We've been trying to help people, but nobody has listened to us yet, so that's been decently interesting.

We're still waiting for the game plan. President is pondering and praying about where to send me and what to do with me, so we'll wait and see! I'm hoping that in the middle of this week I get sent out somewhere to see if I can work through everything and make it out on the other side! I've decided that I'm not going to let whatever this is beat me. That would be so lame. I've been doing everything I can to get over whatever this is, and I'm going to continue to do that until the Lord says I'm done! I'm hopeful that that answer comes in 11 months. The Lord has a plan for me! I've been listening to so many talks from past general conferences, and I've realized that following God's plan isn't enough-we need to also embrace it. He needs my mind and our Hear, not just mind. I've been working on giving Him my heart as well as I am our here serving!

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