Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25th update...

Hey guys! 

We're doing really well. This week was one of the best weeks I've had since I've been back here in Poland. The situation is still pretty tough, but I'm learning how to deal with the bad situations and keep working through them despite the challenges. I've really been working on controlling my thoughts and my attitude and keeping a good perspective, and that has been helping absolutely Everything. My pain levels have been only around a 1-2 this week, I've been happier than I've been in the last 3 months, and I feel great... and the thing is:

nothing has changed. We STILL  have nobody to teach-we are still getting flaked on lessons and we are still getting turned down time and time again... but I can handle it. It doesn't but me as much when people are nasty to us. It doesn't bug me as much when nothing goes our way. I'm just here to try my best and follow the Spirit... and the rest really doesn't matter. It's been great to get to the end of the day, regardless of what happened that day, and know that I was successful  because I had  the Spirit, and because I did what I needed to do. 

Little miracles happen every day that make me excited to be a missionary, and excited to be learning the things I am learning. Life is good. The weather has been so nice the past 2 days, and I think we're finally crawling out of the dark winter this year-which is fantastic! Elder Fetzer and I have a super-open week this week, which we are hopefully going to be filling with good things to look forward to, and we're just going to keep on going! Elder Fetzer and I are doing well. No problems there! Time is flying by this week, so I'll talk to y'all in no time! Love you all!

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