Only 1 word can describe the week I've had.....WOW.
Lot's happened this week, and whether they seemed good or bad in the
moment, I definitely learned something from them all!!
So on Thursday nights I have what's called TRC, which is pretty much
home-teaching members of the church in Polish(while still on MTC property).
Elder Wilcox and I prepared a lesson on receiving revelation through church
attendance. We were teaching a war veteran and his wife. The man had been
stationed in Poland shortly before the Cold War. The lesson went great. We read
scriptures and taught them and bore testimony, and the Spirit was totally there!
Then, things turned South. The vet then turned to his wife after the lesson, and
proceeded to laugh out loud at a small reading mistake I had made when reading
in Księga Mormona. I guess my CH's had too much C and not enough guttural H...
He laughed at the fact that the Polish people were going to make so much fun of
me for that...
........So yeah, that happened. I prayed for patience and love, and the
Lord helped me turn that experience into one of the biggest blessings I've had
so far on my mission. I needed someone to knock me down and tell me I couldn't
do it. That experience motivated me like no other. If I thought I had studied
hard before, I was so mistaken! I've learned so much since last Thursday night,
it's incredible!
I've also had some pretty amazing experiences this week! Elder Wilcox
and I had the opportunity to bless a new sister who was having some troubles
with a surgery she had before coming into the MTC. She had a huge hole in her
back that had started bleeding and pussing and hurting her since she got to the
MTC. I anointed her, and Elder Wilcox and I gave her a Priesthood blessing. She
was blessed that the wound would begin to heal. The next morning she woke up,
and the hole was completely covered over. It hasn't given her troubles since...
What a miracle from the Lord! I am so grateful I was able to be a part of that
Another cool experience I've had this week happened when I was talking
with one of the new elders back in the residence one night. looking back, I
realize the Spirit completely guided our entire conversation. we were supposed
to be talking about one thing, but (miraculously), the conversation turned, and
we were talking about important things. Even as he was telling me the story, the
Elder said, "I don't even know why I'm telling you all this"... It was the
Spirit helping him, I know it! He told me his whole life story, including info
he never tells anyone. This elder has had a very hard life-moving around the
world, settling just long enough in foreign countries for his dad's job to end
up not working out, and then they'd move again. Because of this, he was never
able to have real friends, and has rarely opened up to anyone before. He moved
back to the states a few years ago. he told me he had made some huge mistakes,
and that he didn't do good things in high school. Well, this last December his
Dad died of lung cancer... nobody here knows except me and Elder Wilcox. The
day before his dad died, he had a talk with this Elder. This Elder then decided
to fix his life. his Dad died the next day, and his Mom became unresponsive for
forever, but he talked to priesthood authority, repented, and turned his life
around. He went through the temple, and was called on a mission. I found out he
was having doubts if he should even be out here on a mission right now. Then,
the spirit took over. The Spirit was bringing all these experiences I've had
that were absolutely PERFECT for his situation. All these thoughts were coming
to my head, which were NOT my own, and I just had to put them into words for him
to hear. I was prompted to give him a certain promise... a big promise. I
hesitated because it was a big one, but decided to follow through with my goal
to follow the Spirit, no matter what. I promised him that if he went and prayed
that night, and talked with God, and told him how he was feeling, and what the
situation was, that God would answer his prayers, and tell him that he IS
supposed to be out here on a mission. The next morning, he acted completely
different. When I brought it up, he smiled at me, and told me he now knows he's
supposed to be on a mission right now. The lord truly answered his prayers, and
my many prayers, and allowed me to help one of His children. I wouldn't have
been able to do that without God and His spirit, and I am so grateful!
Another cool story; Brother Robinson is the first counselor in my
Branch Presidency. He's a lawyer, and he's such a great guy! He pulled me aside
one night this week and told me something pretty neat. He showed me a picture of
one of his grandsons, who, he pointed out, has brown eyes like mine. Brother
Robinson told me that their family wants him to grow up to be just like me-and
that they are even having him pick back up piano lessons... that was such an
honor and a cool experience for me!
I also got to see my boy Riley this week during my Sunday temple
walk! I was honestly shaking, I was so excited to see him! I was so grateful to
get to see him again for a few minutes... love that guy!
Jezus Chrystus prowadzi to kościół. to wiem. Ja wiem że to kościół
jest prawdziwa i ksiąga mormona jest słowo Boże. jestem bardyo scęsliwy bo to
jest Jego Praca. JA KOCHAM GO!!
Kocham was!
Starszy Quackenbush
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Elder McEuen and Elder Quack |
Elder Quack and Elder Erickson
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Elder Quack and Elder Riley Wardrop |
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