Monday, April 4, 2016

A FANTASTIC WEEK!....April 4th

Hey Mom!
This week was fantastic. It absolutely FLEW by, and I don't know how it's already Pday again! It's such a blessing! Elder Fetzer and I are working hard, and learning to love our missions! It was really really cool, and we saw a bunch of miracles! We went on an exchange with the ZL's Elder Cowley and Bebel, and had an absolute blast. It was really cool! We've gotten to see 3 sessions of conference, so far... and they've been AWESOME. I've gotten a lot of things to work on and change, but I'm excited to apply them to my life!

Jeremy and Sarah look like they had an absolute blast! How fun! I CANT WATCH CARTERS VIDEO THAT IS SO FRUSTRATING. I wish I could see that so bad! I'm so glad to hear that Colby is killing it, and that they destroyed Campo. That's awesome!!! Go Colb!

I'm not meeting with the psychologist for 2 weeks... I'm trying to spread it out, and see how well I do not meeting every week. So far it has been going well!

OH SO COOL! On Friday, I took some money out, and we took a Culture Night(we're allowed one culture night every transfer), andn our district went and had a barbeque at the church, and then we went to a French pantomime called Gogol. It was So Cool. I loved it! I really enjoy going to see plays and being cultured. It was super fun.

Well... I love you! I hope you have a great week! Love you ma!~ Elder Q

Elder Quack and Elder Cowley

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