Monday, April 18, 2016

Whitewashing as AP's.... With my man Elder Cowley

This week was absolutely crazy, Mom. Absolutely crazy. There were so many miracles and so many great things that happened. I'm not telling hardly anybody-I don't even think I'll tell the boys because it really doesn't matter-but I got my transfer call early and already moved apartments. Elder Cowley and I are whitewashing as Assistants for this transfer (and President said probably next transfer too with the new mission president as long as things don't change). It's been absolutely crazy. We moved in last night, and have already met with president and have started planning all of the crazy intense things we're going to be doing over the next few weeks. It's absolutely flying by, and I'm loving every second of it.
I'm so excited to get to work with Elder Cowley. President called me in beforehand and I saw the whole transfer board that he was working on, and he asked me who I could build a "model area" with. he told me that the training for how to choose AP's is that you pick 2 of the best missionaries you have in the mission, and their job is to create a fantastic area that they bring other missionaries introducing exchanges, and inspire them/teach them how to do the same. He asked me beforehand who I could do that with, and far and away Elder Cowley is the right guy! So we're serving together this transfer, and I'm stoked to get started. People are going to get baptized, and we are going to teach everybody we can find! I can't wait! I'm pushing things off with the psychologist. I haven't had a problem in a long time, and I've been feeling so great! it'll be 3
weeks before my next meeting! guess what... I played soccer on Saturday and went HARD. I've been able to walk ever since and have felt great. It's such a miracle. I think the Lord has taught me what I need to learn about controlling my mind for the time being, and I think he's going to let me just go for it this transfer! I'm so excited, and feel SO GOOD! :)  I love you mom! Have the best week ever! Your son, 

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