Monday, June 27, 2016

AP's are working hard as we are preparing for the arrival of the new Mission President, Pres. Turek

The exhaustion is ridiculous this week lol. We made it through the first 3 days of the transfer and everything went so well!

So much has happened in the last week and a half, so I'm just going to work on recapping as much as I can remember!

So Wednesday was just one of those days. I don't understand it, but every time on my mission when I'm just having the worst day ever, really really good things are about to come-I just have to keep pushing through, and make it through the storm. It's so interesting to me how that works... but needless to say Wednesday was super super hard. With all of the anxiety and thoughts about my group leaving, I was a disaster. I haven't had so much hip pain since the surgeries. It was crazy how it just popped out of nowhere! And the pelvis pain was unreal. It put me down and out for a little while  and i worked on getting myself back under control. So that day we had a meeting with a less-active all the way out in Praga, across the river. I thought I was going to die, and then after we showed up, he wasn't even home, and wouldn't answer his phone. It was a definite test of patience. Well afterwards we had a meeting with the Jarosz's(some of my favorite people in the world), and taught Sara english. She's great. And afterwards we had a meeting with that less-active(sorry we're not allowed to say names of people a lot of the time for legal and safety reasons... this world is a crazy place) for the first time, and his wife! we had just eaten at the Jarosz's, and then we walk in and sit down, and no joke they brought out the biggest plate of food I've ever seen in my life... and then they brought out another one. We had an entire plate all to ourselves. I've never eaten more in my life and I thought I was going to die, but had to finish it. It was pretty intense. Well the meeting went amazingly, and the only reason that his wife isn't preparing for baptism yet is because we ran out of time because they both talked for so long about how much they love the church, and the book of mormon, and us, and Jesus Christ. It was a huge miracle, and we are so excited  to meet with them tomorrow night. It's going to be another miraculous night. 

Thursday we had a great day, and met with an investigator, A..., and had a great meeting with her. The Spirit was a definite help, and it went well. Right afterwards, we were able to meet with a less-active named Andrzej. Turns out last time elder cowley and I were together 6 months ago we ran into him on a tram, and he told us that he is a member from katowice, and needs to come back to church. So we had one of our first meetings with him since, and it was amazing. We gave him a priesthood blessing, and the Spirit was there so strongly. It was amazing! He is so receptive to the Spirit, it's insane! We are hoping that good things will come of it for him! So that night we had culture night with the district. We ate fish and chips(my boy Elder Jones is in the district-he's from Wales), and then went to another mime show. It was legendary! We had such a good time with the district. I love going to the theatre and seeing all of the performances. That's something I'd like to continue doing later on. 

Friday just regular missionary work and trying to find people! We taught a few pretty good street-lessons, and planted some seeds. 
Saturday and Sunday were the same-still working on keeping control of my mind and thinking about the positives. 

MONDAY:Well monday happened. We met with president early in the morning and started planning for the new mission president. That was crazy. Then we helped my departing group do what they needed to do that day, and had the departing testimony meeting. It was one of the harder things I've ever had to do-sitting there and realizing that all of these elders are some of my best friends, and that they are all going home to live normal lives and listen to music and go to college while I'll still be in Poland. It was pretty tough, but I'm doing a lot better. Miraculously, I was able to meet with the psychologist that day, which really really helped. I also had my departing interview with Prezydent Edgren. I love him. it was a great meeting that I really needed. He is helping me change my perspective to one of gratitude that I have so much to "put on the altar". that makes me feel a lot better about what I'm doing here instead of just being here alone trying to do what I need to do. I talked a ton with Elder Coutu. It's crazy what missions will do in helping you make some of your best friends you've ever had. We had a long talk that I think was pretty needed for the both of us. It was good. 

Tuesday morning I was awake at 4:00 am saying goodbye to all of the boys. Later that day, we picked up the new group of elders and sisters. We took them to get their pictures taken, and to get some lunch, and then we took them out contacting. It was really fun. They're a great group, and you just have to love them!

Yesterday we woke up and had trainers' meetings, and then took everybody to contact in Centrum while they waited for their trains. It was awesome to get to do some street work after it all and get my mission back up and running. 

Today all of our lessons got cancelled so we decided to take pday today instead of yesterday. It's been a good day, and we got a lot done that needed to be done today. We're having dinner with elders jones and mcpherson here in a few hours before we teach english class. It's going to be a good one! 

The pain is continuing to decrease and decrease. I'm getting a lot better at just accepting the fact that I'm going to be here for a little while without my elders and sisters, and that it's all going to be okay. There are some big promises that have yet to be fulfilled on my mission that I am excitedly looking forward to in the future. Big things are going to happen-I can't wait to see what they are! I love you guys, and I'm grateful for your emails this week. They were much needed.

District Pictures

Presiden Turek's first week in the Warsaw, Poland Mission
Well there it is!   We've more or less planned Prezydent Turek's first week and a half, and called all of the leaders in the mission to get them on board. It's all going to work out. We pick him up Thursday afternoon... and then the fun begins!

Bad picture but I'm alive!

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