Monday, May 23, 2016

District Conferences over Skype and the Organ in Sacrament meeting...

This week was so good. I literally don't know how the Lord got it all done. we had meetings with 4 or so people that we've met in the last few weeks, and they are awesome!! They are all set up to meet again this week, and we are trying to get members on every lesson we can.

It's going to be a miracle! Elder Cowley and I are working well together and just doing work. The Lord is carrying me through every day. I think I'm finally getting to that point where "your happiness and your love will far outweigh your trials." It's been awesome. I don't have as much anxiety about getting out the door anymore(even though there still is some), I'm loving the people, and everyone we're working with, and I'm getting so excited about the work. Big things are coming. I'm so excited for them! 

This week we had an exchange with the zone leaders from the South(Elders Einfeldt and Haskett). They are a bunch of studs... I love those guys! We had a perfect exchange. We met with members and asked for referrals, we were led to prepared people, we talked to a bunch of people at unexpected "dead times" of the day at tram stops and such, and just had a great day. the church is so true! It was awesome. On top of that, the forest last pday went so well. I'll forward some pictures... but it was just good to get out of my box and relax a little bit. One of the biggest miracles. There is an inactive ex-branch president here in Warsaw that I have been calling forever. We FINALLY got set up with them this week, and brought the District President with us, and went and met with him and his non-member wife. it was a good meeting, they let us share a spiritual thought, and most importantly, they talked about inviting us back. We really feel like there is something we can do to help them. I am excited to see what that is!

 Besides that, yesterday I had to play the organ in church(very interesting, indeed), and then sight-read the special musical number in church. Talk about flippin' a bean during sacrament meeting lol...the Lord definitely helped me through and made great things happen outside of my control. It was pretty awesome.

We decided with President this week that we're doing a district-leaders conference via skype tomorrow morning to talk about things we can improve(referrals and "an attitude of finding" and

such.) It's been cool to see how the Lord has blessed Elder Cowley and I with so many different experiences these last few weeks that allows us to testify of those things. We are excited to present that this week, and then to get to work on all of the things we need to do! The Lord is blessing us and being so good to me!

The National Forest with a Zone

Elder Cowley, Elder Einsfeldt, Elder Haskett and Elder Q

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