Hey y'all!
Wow, so this week was one for the record books! It was
Heaven Week for Elder Blom and I... meaning we pushed 120%, go-go-go all this
week trying to make that difference and find that one! It was an amazing week
and we felt the Spirit a bunch!!
We had to do a lot of cleaning(the house
hadn't been really cleaned in like a year, and plus cleaning checks were this
week, and plus MaĆgosza came over and yelled at us that it was a disaster-even
though it looked Better than when we got there... so we did some cleaning! We
made cinnamon rolls for Marta's baptism.... since the missionaries are also the
Relief Society in Kielce... so that was great!
The biggest part of
the week was Marta's baptism... it was the most beautiful thing I've seen im my
whole entire life! Marta technically wasn't "our" investigator, but I had been
on a lesson with her, and we were with her all the time and became really close!
She's the best! Marta's baptism was absolutely amazing. I loved it so much! The
Spirit was there SO strongly!! We started at the chapel, and I played the
opening hymn, and said the prayer(she had asked me to before). Then, there were
some talks, and then we did this special surprise musical number with Mateusz
and his guitar.! It was an old Christian song about Christ, and it was so cool!
But a miracle happened....! Before the first song, he had a prompting to
silence his phone... and it went off during the song!(he had followed the
prompting)... and I got to explain to him how that was the Spirit, and how the
Spirit works! It was so super cool to see the Spirit touch this man that we've
been working with and inviting and explaining things to for so long! It was
definitely a blessing from the Lord! After, we walked to this spa that had a
pool that we had rented out, and she was baptized! It was like the coolest thing
ever and I absolutely loved every second of it.... the Church is SO TRUE! man...
it was the coolest! After, we walked back to the chapel, and had the other
musical number(Come Unto Christ-mutual theme song 2014), and I had the opening
solo... ! I was so nervous, but the Lord blessed me with His Spirit and I was
able to do my best with His help! After, she bore her testimony, and we closed
and had desserts! It was such an amazing day!
I got my first transfer
call... and I'm heading to Szczecin to serve with an Elder from the group ahead
of me... so we're both super young missionaries. That means that we're going to
have to rely on the Lord even more than before(If that's even possible??) and
we'll definitely be learning a lot! We'll have some definite tough times, we'll
probably be super awkward in our broken Polish, but you can't grow if you're not
in the Refiner's Fire... am I right?? I'm honestly SO excited for the challenge,
and the opportunity to learn and grow so much! I can't wait to get up there on
Wednesday and meet him and get to work! We're going to give it our all, I can
tell you that much! :)
I am super sad I have to leave Elder Blom.
I've grown to love that guy so much over the past 8 weeks, and I'm going to
really miss him! I don't even know if I'll see him in the next 4 months before
he goes home...(Szczecin is about as far North-West as you can go... right up
there next to Germany) so I'm pretty sad about maybe not seeing him... but it'll
all be for the best!
I love y'all and I hope you're doing good
things back home for me!
Elder Quackenbush

Russian Royal Ballet for Culture night

"Bigos" from an Authentic Polish Milk Bar


Me and my companion Elder Blom

Cinnamon Rolls we made for the baptism
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