Tuesday, February 2, 2016

It's my "20th Birthday".....

Health: Well we got the second urine test back and there's nothing to report... it was normal. Turns out the Urologist is out of town until like next Wednesday or Thursday, which isn't ideal. I sent him an email a few days ago and he still hasn't responded, so we're waiting for an update there. We're just waiting to call the TRUS ultrasound lady on Monday, also... so that'll be good.

I just sat down with President and told him everything about where I'm at. We counseled together about everything, and transfers, and what our plan is. He's going to do some pondering, but wants to get me out of the office as soon as possible because I'm dying in here so bad.
We've decided that, chances are, the doctors won't find anything, and one of my last shots is to just get out of the office and try to work as best as I can, and hope that it's all a mental problem that I can just conquer out there in the field through work, and being smart. So that's what we're going to do. President wants to put me in a small city(because he knows I work best out there). He's pondering having me train, or be a zone leader or something... because he says I would be good at that kind of stuff. It was really nice to hear, actually....because while we were meeting he told me that Elder Cowley and I had given one of the best zone training's that he's heard as a mission president. It was nice to hear that something I've done here has actually made a difference haha.

So yeah, that's where we're at. There shouldn't be anything but some waiting and pondering, and no results between now and Monday, so I'll hear from y'all then!

It's my "20th Birthday" and I made a lemon cake!

Birthday Breakfast of Pancakes and Peanut Butter!

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