Monday, January 11, 2016

Week of January 11

God is so good to us missionaries. Oh my goodness this week has been one of the craziest weeks of my LIFE! So many miracles are happening, and so many people are changing, and so much is getting done!

I'm going to have to take this chronologically since SO much happened and I don't want to miss it:
Monday: We met with Aleksander-actually Олег-(who came to fhe), and talked with him about the restoration! We actually did something really sneaky! Elder Cowley and I have this goal to use less-actives to strengthen our investigators, which in turn strengthens them...
it's awesome! So we had a member talk to Aleksander for 15 minutes while we ran and met with Władek(wearing the blue sweater in the pictures I sent home). We strengthened him and helped prep him for the meeting, and then we brought him right back in and we met with Aleksander. Władek is a miracle because he is PERFECT for Aleksander bc he speaks Russian and Ukrainian, and is remembering his testimony.
Plus, he just randomely showed up for the first time on Sunday, the same day Aleksander showed up... dont try and tell me that's a coincidence...! Well Aleksander accepted it all, took a Book of Mormon in Russian, and promised to read it and pray about it! We then went to the YSA fhe and spent some time with the YSA trying to strengthen them!
Tuesday we had random meetings and preparation for zone training on Wednesday, and calls... but SO MANY of our potentials actually wanted to meet... we were getting so stoked!

Wednesday: Zone Training. it was intense. We had been preparing and prepping for zone training for a while since we have one of the biggest zones in the history of the mission... so that was a bit scary...! I had a solid 25 minutes straight of the microphone, talking about being on time and then exercise and how that helps us be able to prepare ourselves for the day! It was so much fun! The Spirit was there strongly and we were able to say the things that we needed to say, and it was pretty great! President and Sister Edgren told us multiple times how much they enjoyed it, which was good to hear! I got to see Elder Berlin, Elder Wright, Elder Weiler, Elder Sidwell, and so many more of my boys! I sent the pictures that I have... so hopefully that's enough! After zone training we had to fly out of there and head to a meeting with Olek! We taught the first half of the plan of salvation, and he got stopped up at the resurrection... he didn't think that people got resurrected... and our polish/russian barrier wasn't allowing us to explain it perfectly... so we ended and talked about it next time. THEN, we met with Paweł, this super super less-active guy! Spoiler alert: He promised to come to church, then did, and then told us not to worry because he's not going anywhere. It was beautiful!

The monitor just told me I have 5 minutes left... so speed round!  We met with Paweł about the restoration... it was awesome and he really wants to come to know!The Frączek family... they're the best!

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